



QUE_HACEMOSELINSUBCA, We are a Venezuelan company with projection in the international market, dedicated to providing comprehensive technical solutions of high value in the development of projects for the coastal marine sector.

We have implemented projects across the spectrum of professional engineering services and construction, covering the stages of design, procurement, execution of work, comprehensive project management, to commissioning, maintenance and specialized technical assistance.



Our team of highly competitive professionals, provides comprehensive engineering solutions and coastal marine construction projects, adapting to the specific needs of our customers with environmentally sustainable international standards, technological innovation and inspired to improve the quality of life of the communities with results.


Being the leader in integrated solutions engineering and construction in the coastal marine sector in Venezuela and international presence, recognized for its commitment to achieve a more sustainable world.


ELINSUBCA remains on the path of sustainable development, following a planned growth path built on three pillars:   Knowledge, Honesty and Responsibility,  having as its center the human person.

To be consistent with these pillars ELINSUBCA is based on 10 principles that translate the positions and achievements expected of a team committed.

  • Value the person for their human condition.
  • Think big and sustainably.
  • Look for your self and help others succeed.
  • I acted as if you were the owner of the company.
  • Take responsibility and the consequences of their actions.
  • Always seek to harmonize their personal, family and profesional life.
  • Force yourself and demand a job well done.
  • Be part of the solution and not the problem.
  • Be honest with your actions every day.
  • Be socially and environmentally responsible.


“It is in difficult times when more must stick to the principles that have left you to be great”
Sergio Elena – General Manager




ELINSUBCA born in 2002, founded by Sergio Elena, Mechanical Engineering from Simon Bolivar University of Venezuela; sea lover and experienced in underwater work, the product of a fruitful career as a diving instructor and professional industrial diving.

ELINSUBCA began providing service in repairing submarines emissaries and aqueducts carbon steel, for water companies and the Ministry of Environment of Venezuela. He made various inspections, installation and repair of subsea pipelines. In 2004 it was decided to undertake a long research on Subsea Pipe Technology High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).

This research initiative quickly became a major technological contribution to Venezuela, being achieved in less than six years, to change the course of the specifications which is now projected in Venezuela submarine pipelines for the sector of aqueducts, inlets and outfalls, using HDPE as the option that offers the best benefits.

Actualmente ELINSUBCA cuenta con un equipo de profesionales de la ingeniería y Currently ELINSUBCA has a team of professional engineers and various areas of business support, as well as significant experience in implementing projects of submarine pipelines in Venezuela and abroad, which gives it a character Pioneering facilities HDPE submarine pipelines in the country and recognized Expert in several Latin American countries.


Sustainability of the Planet


Emisario_-San_Andres_Colombia_Previo_al_lanzamiento_al_mar.-e1385142025573In ELINSUBCA it is a fundamental pillar permanently contribute to the development of policies for the rational use of natural resources and the sustainability of the processes in which the organization operates. His motto, “Working for a Better Planet”  is the broad response in decision making daily engulfs our company.

Motivated by a PRINCIPLE OF UNITY, where the parts of a system are interrelated, we have understood that our contribution to the environment in which we move ends up influencing positively the ecosystem of the planet, therefore we benefit by building an environment of balance, based on the certainty that we can create a better living.


Technological Contributions

Elinsubca has a department of Innovation and Technology, given the great importance since its foundation the development and continuous improvement of intelligent solutions that offer a significant benefit to its customers and to the wider community which are directed services.DSC01717

In a short time they have been implemented innovative solutions that enable the development of projects in underwater pipes HDPE characterized by significant advantages:

  • Investment costs more competitive compared to traditional technologies.
  • Shorter and lower labor risk execution.
  • Free failures systems and maintenance-free, with a long shelf life.
  • Own construction technology and friendly to the environment.


Elinsubca: : A Wise Choice

ELINSUBCA professional team is highly qualified technical, product of a solid background and extensive experience. Its staff has management capacity, high willingness to technological change and to generate contributions and transformations leading to improve project implementation. In this way it offers its customers a high degree of competitiveness.

Quality politics

Management Quality is priority of our activity, whose goal is to provide our customers with timely solutions that exceed their needs and add value to their business. Create an environment conducive to the development and motivation of staff, continuously monitor our processes and commit to continuously improve our management system and contribute to the business development of our strategic partners.

Health, Safety, Environment and Occupational Health

The organization continuously performs the best for Security Policy and Environmental Hygiene is the guide to action that make daily organization. For it is adapted and adopted as indicated in laws, decrees, regulations and national and international standards related to SHA, turning their requirements in Security Management System, Health and Environment Company.

